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Sustainability Governance

Principles and Policies

可持续发展是我们的六大商业原则之一——指导我们所有决策的首要信念和行为. 每一项业务原则都以一项政策声明为基础,该政策声明定义了我们的承诺. Then, 更详细的操作政策描述了我们的员工和分包商必须遵守的规则.


Stakeholder Engagement


Double Materiality Matrix

我们是第一家发布双重重要性评估的议会公司 Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) requirements.

CSRD大幅增加了公司就重大或相关的可持续发展事项必须披露的数量. 确定这些主题的第一步是进行双重重要性评估, in which two types of materiality are assessed:

  • Impact materiality: the impact that the company has on the relevant topics
  • Financial materiality:这些相关话题可能对公司财务业绩产生的影响

我们细致的评估包括对我们价值链的全面审查, stakeholder prioritization and direct consultations. Fully aligned with our annual risk assessment, 我们的最高管理层已经严格审查并批准了这些结果. The process was developed during 2023, finalized in 2024, and will be reviewed and updated at least once a year.

The matrix below outlines the distribution of material topics, offering a clear roadmap for our sustainability journey. 它标志着与《全球彩票app》保持一致的坚定过渡的开始. 

Materiality matrix

United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

To maximize our active contribution to the SDGs, 我们选择了那些与我们的商业模式最一致的,并为我们的供应链确定了具体的可衡量的目标, direct operations and services. This way, we ensure progress tracking and transparency.

Our Sustainability Ambitions 2030 include environmental, 我们整个价值链的社会和治理目标,特别为确保我们的积极影响与可持续发展目标保持一致而设计. 在这张图片中,你可以看到我们关注的一些可持续发展目标,以及我们贡献的一些例子. More examples can be found in our Integrated Report.

Direct Oprerations Supply Chain

Examples of our contribution:

SDG 2: zero hunger

Gafta sustainability pledge
Over 100 of our labs, 熏蒸和检验操作现已列入粮食和饲料贸易协会(Gafta)可持续发展承诺目录. 这表明我们全公司致力于遵循和促进可持续的行业实践.


SDG 4: quality education

SGS Academy
我们的SGS培训计划涵盖了与质量等领域相关的广泛主题, sustainability, performance, and health and safety. We offer bespoke training from industry experts, 我们的课程针对不同水平的能力而设计,以满足任何行业的需求.

Moreover, SGS社区学院为我们运营所在社区收入低于平均生活工资的人们提供高质量的技术培训. 这一无偿倡议的目的是通过增加获得高质量就业的机会来支持当地经济发展.


SDG 5: gender equality

Women in leadership

通过采取积极措施,我们正在朝着2027年女性领导职位至少占三分之一的目标迈进, 来自招聘(我们的招聘学院有助于避免有意识或无意识的偏见), 到政策(例如反歧视和工作尊严)和奖励(采取行动消除性别工资差距).


In India, we are working to enhance gender diversity. 这包括与主要利益相关者和YouINSPIRE等其他倡议合作,积极实施性别中立的工作空间, 一个促进SGS印度女性员工之间联系的季度平台, featuring empowering workshops, and an actionable ally workshop for managers on women talent.


SDG 6: clean water and sanitation

World Class Service (WCS) laboratories
Each year, 我们更多的实验室采用WCS方法,以建立卓越运作和资源效率的文化-优化原材料的使用, such as water.


SDG 7: affordable and clean energy

EEB program and onsite reduction projects
我们的EEB项目评估并减少了整个集团新建和现有建筑的能源消耗. 为每个分支机构制定的行动计划提供了具体的步骤指导,以提高能源效率. Each plan identifies the affiliate’s key facilities, 需要监控的kpi以及提高能效性能的机会.


SDG 8: decent work and economic growth

Human rights policy and report
我们最近更新了人权政策,以更好地反映我们的承诺. Our human rights report consolidates the principles, 体现我们对人权承诺的政策和举措.


SDG 12: responsible consumption and production

Sustainable Procurement
我们的全球采购和供应链管理战略非常重视可持续采购, 帮助我们在60多家公司中推动负责任的生产实践,000 suppliers.


SDG 13: climate action

Decarbonization strategy

Our decarbonization strategy comprises two pillars, (1) to reduce fuel and energy consumption at source, 通过我们的建筑能效计划或我们的车辆排放政策等举措, and (2) to use renewable energy whenever possible. 虽然这是我们旅程初始阶段的重点, 我们还致力于确保持久的碳清除,以抵消在旅程的后期阶段仍然不可避免的任何排放的影响.

Spot the Orange Dot initiative

我们培育可持续发展文化,其目标是通过使用更少的资源和减少排放来加强环保实践. In pursuit of this objective, we introduced Spot the Orange Dot, 一项关于确定可持续发展行动地点的意识倡议, where a real difference can be made, with orange dots.  These orange dots range from straightforward, such as stickers near light switches, to inventive and abstract, like an eco-driving course.

Our Sustainability Ambitions 2030


As sustainability leaders, our purpose is to enable a better, safer and more interconnected world for all stakeholders. We have a clear vision of our contribution and, to make it a reality, we have defined our path: our Sustainability Ambitions 2030.