
China Announces Two 标准s for Food 联系 Materials


SG 69/24

China has issued new mandatory food contact material standards for adhesives and solvent residues.

In March 2024, China’s National Health Commission and State Administration for Market Regulation 宣布 the publication of 47 national food safety standards. Among this set were two important standards for food contact materials (FCM) and articles:

  • GB 4806.15-2024 ‘National food safety standard: Adhesives for food contact materials and products’
  • GB 31604.60-2024 ‘National food safety standard: Determination of solvent residues in food contact materials and products’, a standard that details the methodology for analyzing 25 organic solvents in food contact composite materials and products

GB 4806.15-2024 is the nation’s first standard for food contact adhesives. It:

  • Applies to adhesives that are in direct and those that are not in direct contact with food
  • 详细说明感官要求(表1)
  • Sets out general chemical specifications (Table 2, see 表一个 below)
  • Specifies the positive list of 33 substances/starting materials for adhesives in direct contact with food (Appendix A) and 341 substances/starting materials for adhesives in indirect food contact (Appendix B)
  • Permits additives used in adhesives for direct contact with food to be used in adhesives for indirect food contact
  • Requires adhesive products to indicate the product category (adhesives for direct or indirect contact with food) on the label

GB 4806.15-2024 ‘National food safety standard: Adhesives for food contact materials and products’, Table 2 ‘General physical and chemical indicators’ (per standard 文本)

参数 要求标准
1整体迁移¹≤10毫克/ dm², otherwise ≤60 mg/kg for adhesives used in food contact materials and articles for infants and young children GB 31604.8
2高锰酸钾消耗¹≤10毫克/公斤GB 31604.2
3重金属(以铅表示≤1毫克/公斤 GB 31604.9
4Total specific migration of primary aromatic amines (PAA)²未检测到(ND)
(检测限= 0.1毫克/公斤)
GB 31604.52

¹Applies to adhesive layer in direct contact with food. Adhesive layers that are indirect contact with food are assessed against national standards for safety requirements for the layer that is in direct contact with food

²Applies to adhesives containing aromatic urethanes or other adhesives that may produce PAA. The specific migration for PAA is conducted on finished goods. ND applies to sum of PAA that are not specified in Appendices A or B of GB 4806.15-2024、GB 9685及相关公告


The implementation dates for these two standards are summarized in 表B.

GB 31604.60-2024 ‘Solvent residues in FCM and products’2024年2月8日2024年8月8日
GB 4806.15-2024 ‘Food contact adhesives’2024年2月8日2025年2月8日


SGS has the expertise to help manufacturers and suppliers of FCM achieve compliance with markets around the globe. Our technical experts have extensive experience of testing materials and articles for many markets. 我们提供全方位的FCM测试, 包括迁移测试, along with expert advice on emerging regulations, 合规问题和文档审查. Our experience can ensure your products meet the appropriate territorial regulations for food contact materials and help pave the way for compliance. 全球彩票app了解更多或 访问我们的网站. In the end, it’s only trusted because it’s tested.

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Dr. Hingwo曾


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